
(2024). Relay Decoding: Concatenating Large Language Models for Machine Translation. Under Review.

(2024). Enabling Ensemble Learning for Heterogeneous Large Language Models with Deep Parallel Collaboration. Under Review.

(2024). Aligning Translation-Specific Understanding to General Understanding in Large Language Models. Under Review.

(2024). Gradient Consistency-based Parameter Allocation for Multilingual Neural Machine Translation. COLING2024.

(2023). Enabling Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation with Word-level Visual Representations. EMNLP2023 Findings.

(2023). Towards Higher Pareto Frontier in Multilingual Machine Translation. ACL2023.

(2022). Unifying the Convergences in Multilingual Neural Machine Translation. EMNLP2022.

(2021). The Factual Inconsistency Problem in Abstractive Text Summarization: A Survey. arXiv.